Listing Information
The Equity Shares of J.K Cotton Limited were listed at U. P. Stock Exchange Limited (hereinafter also referred to as ‘UPSE’) and Delhi Stock Exchange Limited (hereinafter also referred to as ‘DSE’). Upon approval of UPSE application for Voluntary Exit and De-recognition as a Stock Exchange by SEBI vide Order No. WTM/RKA /MRD/49/2015 dated 9th June, 2015 and withdrawal of recognition of DSE vide SEBI order No. WTM/PS/45/MRD/DSA/NOV/2014 dated 19th November, 2014, the Company lost its status as a Listed Company and has been referred to the dissemination Board of National Stock Exchange India Limited (NSE) and BSE Limited (BSE). BSE vide its Circular No. 20150709-36 dated 9th July,2015 informed about shifting of companies listed on DSE (including JKCL) to its dissemination board and NSE vide its Circular No. NSE/CML/29657 dated 8th May, 2015 informed about shifting of companies listed on UPSE (including JKCL) to its dissemination board.
In terms of SEBI Circular No. CIR/MRD/DSA/05/2015 dated 17.04.2015 companies exclusively listed at De-recognised /Non-Operational/ Exited Stock Exchanges have been allowed a time line of eighteen months within which such companies are required to obtain listing in any other Nationwide stock exchange to provide trading platform to its shareholders or to provide Exit opportunity to its public shareholders. The Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on 28th October, 2015 after careful consideration was of the opinion that the Company was not eligible to migrate to main boards of Nation-wide stock exchanges and decided to provide an Exit opportunity to all Public shareholders.
The Company, therefore, through its Promoter, Shri Yadupati Singhania has provide an exit opportunity to all its Public Shareholders in accordance with the SEBI Circular No. CIR/MRD/DSA/05/2015 dated 17.04.2015. A copy of Exit Offer Letter dated 10.01.2016 along with share transfer form has been provided in the link below:
JK Exit Offer Letter along with share transfer form 10.01.2016
In terms of SEBI Circular dated October 10, 2016, those shareholders who could not offer their shares under exit offer may do so on or before 18.01.2018 at 5.30 PM at the same price i.e. Rs. 12.09/- per share. Shareholders are requested to avail the above offer.
Upon completion of Exit Offer, application was made to BSE and NSE for removal of name of Company from their respective Dissemination Board. Consequently, BSE vide its notice no. 20180301-27 dated 01 Mar 2018 and NSE vide its circular no. 0479/2018 dated April 27, 2018 removed the name of Company from Dissemination Board. As on date, the shares of the Company are not listed on any stock exchange.