Our Founders

Lala Juggilal Singhania

Lala Kamlapat Singhania
J.K. Organisation owes its name to Late Lala Juggilal Singhania and his son Late Lala Kamlapat Singhania, a dynamic personality with a broad vision. Inspired by the cause of Swadeshi movement of Mahatma Gandhi, and driven by the zeal to set up an Indian enterprise, Lala Kamlapat Singhania founded J.K. Organisation in the 19th century ushering in a new industrial era in India.

Sir Padampat
The process of industrialization was worthily and successfully carried by Sir Padampat Singhania in fulfilling the vision and dream of his father and grandfather and made J.K. Organisation as one of the largest private sector group in India. In 1921 J.K. Cotton Spinning & Weaving Mills was established in Kanpur to manufacture fine quality of yarn and cotton.

Dr. Gaur Hari Singhania
(12th June, 1935 – 4th February, 2015)

Mr. Yadupati Singhania
Chairman & Managing Director
(29.09.1953 - 13.08.2020)
Being attached with J.K. Organisation under the benign guidance of his illustrious father late Sir Padampat Singhania, Dr. Gaur Hari Singhania showed keen interest in learning the intricate working of CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND MILL MANAGEMENT with various units of the family. From the very beginning he has taken keen interest in promotion of various educational, social, cultural, trade and commercial organizations. Today, J.K. Organisation stands for Industrial dynamism, economic vitality, social happiness and national prosperity.